History of Division One

History of Division One

In l962, Edward Casey was the founder and first president of the Orange County Division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, which was chartered in Midway City at the Brothers of St Patrick, which is still a hub of the local Irish community to this day.  This division later disbanded.

The AOH was reactivated and the Orange County Division had its first official meeting on October 18, 1971 in the Grand Hotel in Anaheim.  The guest speaker was Michael J. Farrell, Sr, AOH national organizer who presented a history of AOH in America.

Honored guests were Chris O’Shea, President of the Gaelic Athletic Association, Oliver Keane, President of the Irish/American Club of Los Angeles, Ed Brennan, President of the Harp and Shamrock Club, and Anaheim Councilmember William Thom.  Thanks to Jerry O’Keefe for his efforts in establishing this AOH Division in Orange County.

Division was again reactivated on October 17, 1992 and Jack Caulfield was elected President.  The Division was named the Brothers of St. Patrick Division of Orange County and remains active today.  Below are the charter members of the 1971 and 1992 Divisions.

The following is a list of the 34 charter members of Division 1 October 1971.

Bob Brennan
Kenneth Brott
William Burke
Richard Callahan
Daniel Corcoran
Michael Corcoran
James Cormach
William Bill
Eugene Donnelly
Bernard Fallon
Robert Farrell
Albert Finn
Andrew Finnerty
Richard Flaherty
Kenneth Foley
Robert Foley
Mike Kelly
Edward Klein
Ronald Knowles
Francis Macaulay
Paul McKenna
Patrick Moloney
Paul Mooney
Richard Murphy
John Norton, Sr
John Norton, Jr
Daniel O’Connor
Jerry O’Keefe
Owen O’Keefe
John O’Neill
William Power
Ernest Sullivan
William Thom
Desmond Whelan

Charter Officers of Division 1, 1971

President Jerry O’Keefe
Vice President Dan Corcoran
Recording Secretary Ernie Sullivan
Treasurer Dr. Frank Macaulay
Financial Secretary Al Finn
Corresponding Secretary Dr. Robert Foley
Grievance Committee Richard Murphy
Marshall Owen O’Keefe
Sentinel Bernard Fallon
Organizer Andy Finnerty
Membership Dr. Paul McKenna
Historian Bill Thom

Division One was reactivated on October 17, 1992
Officers and Members in 1992   

President John J. Caulfield, Jr
Vice President Niall P. Hackett
Recording Secretary Matthew Cunningham
Financial Secretary Jerry O’Keefe
Treasurer Daniel K. Simpson
Standing Committee Michael P. O’Shea
Chaplin Rev. Gilbert O’Brien, O. Praem
Robert Brennan James McDonnell
Garrison W. Daniel James J. Murtha
Patrick Greaney Henry O’Brien
Patrick K. Kennedy Timothy J. O’Leary
John Keogh Kevin O’Rourke
Kevin M. MacDonnell Brendan J. O’Shea
Ronald Knowles Thomas Pancoast


First meeting of AOH Orange County Board January 24, 1996

Kneeling:  Dan Farrell, Secretary and Jerry O’Keefe, Vice President
Standing:  Jack Caulfield, State Secretary, Ernie O’Leary, Financial Secretary,
Mike Noone, Treasurer and Kane Simpson, President