Brothers of St. Patrick

The Patrician Brothers – California

“Travelling along Bolsa Avenue in Midway City (a small enclave in west Orange County) one may notice the sign ‘The Brothers of Saint Patrick, Novitiate’. The short explanation of this notice is that the Brothers of St. Patrick are an Irish Congregation, established in 1808 by Bishop Daniel Delany for the purpose of helping the poor and educating youth. Over time the Brothers established several houses in Ireland. Responding to numerous invitations from abroad, they answered the call in many parts of the world. Today you can find our Brothers in India, Australia, Kenya, the United States and New Guinea. The Brothers’ first foundation in the United States was in Santa Monica in 1948. After that another opening was made in Los Angeles.

Ever since their coming to the United States, the Brothers have had as their principal aim the education of youth. More recently, other areas where youth and the poor can be served have involved the Brothers in Campus Ministry, Counseling and Parish Ministry.


Here is a video describing a religious brother.

Today we see the pressing need to provide our youth with a sound, solid Christian education, and we invite men, preferably in the 20-30 age bracket, to ponder the idea of dedicating their lives to serving God and youth in this calling. We also invite readers of this to join us in fervent prayer to God to send labourers into His vineyard to aid the church and the Brothers in a combined effort to spread the good news.

Potential candidates coming to us get the feel of this kind of life by following a schedule of daily prayer, study and self-appraisal. Some months after entering, they begin the Novitiate training, which lasts for two years. During this time emphasis is placed on dedication to God and the vows of the consecrated life and of all the requirements of such a life is made. Great emphasis is placed on the role of prayer, on the study of scripture and doctrine, and all the factors necessary for true community living.

Following the two years of the Novitiate, the candidate takes the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience annually for a period of at least five years. Then the Brother takes final vows if he really feels that this is God’s will for him.

During the time of temporary vows, the Brother pursues college courses as needed. He will be expected to obtain bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

We cordially invite prospective candidates who may be considering giving their lives to God’s service and that of youth to look into this mode of life with us.

We also invite the prayers of all – young and old – to join with us in daily prayer that God will call many labourers into His vineyard to aid us in that most indispensable of works – the education of youth and of aiding the poor. What better way could there be to serve God and country? “